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Friday, May 06, 2005

Maybe I Should Be a Journalist

I have a news scoop!

I'm sure I know who will be writing the 5th book in the Crimson City series!

Nothing has been announced on our loop yet, and until it is, I don't feel like I can give the author's name, but my inner journalist is all excited. (I started college as a journalism major before switching to advertising.)

It was so funny how I found this out too. I rarely go into my listing of groups that I belong to, but yesterday afternoon I was doing lesson 5 (synchronicity? =8-O ) in my Cascading Style Sheets class and one of the suggested links involved signing up for a group that discussed CSS. I didn't, but since I was in that area anyway, I decided to glance at my list of groups. I'm just paging down, looking for nothing in particular, when I notice the number of subscribers to the Crimson loop had gone up by one. Of course, I had to check it out.

And that's when I discovered the author for book 5. Has to be.

I don't feel like I can reveal the name here until something has officially been said to us on the loop, but as soon as the word is given, I'll share. :-)

MN Weather Report: 52 degrees.