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Friday, June 09, 2006


Why does the time I spend writing go by so fast and the time I'm at the day job go so slowly? Last night, I was writing--one minute I look at the clock and it's 6pm, the next it's after 9pm. And it literally did feel like only minutes had gone by. Sigh.

Finished the rough version of chapter 6 in the novella yesterday. Today, I'll go through and layer in more emotion with the choreography as well as clean up what's there. This was one of those frustrating scenes where I got a couple of paragraphs down and then couldn't go forward. This time, though, instead of waiting, I went right to the characters. I asked Nic and Kimi if they were both ready to hit the sheets. They were. I asked if I should be in the other POV. Nope. Ran through a couple of other questions before I hit on the right one: Nic, is this how you'd act in bed with Kimi?

His answer was no. I had him hesitating because she's human and he's a demon, and because she's his vishtau mate, he didn't want to risk hurting her. He told me that he's wanted her for 8 months; he's not hesitating. So I cut all but the first paragraph of what I'd already written and started over. That did the trick.

I wish I could write love scenes straight through without always having to go through them a second time to layer in emotion. It seems like the first run always ends up being about 90% choreography and then I have to flesh out everything else on the second run. It's the same with action scenes for me.

I think I forgot to mention that I saw a deer in the yard next door to my house last week while I was writing. I just have sheers over my patio doors, and from where I sit, I see a lot more wildlife outside than I expected in an urban environment. Of course, most of it is birds, which I'm not particularly interested in, but the deer was a surprise.