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Thursday, March 10, 2005

Four More Days

I don't know whether to shriek in panic or happy dog dance. I have four more days to work on this book and that's it. On the one hand, I'm such a perfectionist that a book is never done until after I finish going through the galleys. On the other, I'm tired. Really tired. Of course, these weird hours I've been keeping don't help anything. I want to be sleeping right now, but here I am. :-) I almost look forward to going back to the day job next week so that I can rest up. =8-O They don't work me nearly as hard as I work myself on the writing.

I use WordPerfect to write in. It's much, much better than Word, which I also have and use on a regular basis. TBH, I don't understand why any fiction writer bothers with Word because it is incredibly cumbersome in comparison to WP, but that's not my topic and I do have one. Believe it or not.

So, I use WP, but I convert my chapters to Word before sending them to my writing buddies. I open Word, open my file, do a save as and then I'm ready to close Word. Only the animated office assistant shows up while I'm saving. (I went with the cat--I do NOT have the paper clip. Shudder!) But I feel vaguely guilty shutting Word down at this point.

I know, weird, right? It's an animated computer figure and consists of nothing except pixels, but I mean the cat has just walked out onto the screen and I'm immediately clicking to exit. I feel bad. Which I guess makes me really tenderhearted and sappy. :-( And stupid. Sigh. Sometimes I scare myself.

MN Weather Report: 28 degrees. Wind Chill: 16 degrees. Forecast includes a couple of inches of snow. :-(