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Sunday, March 06, 2005

Sunshine Day

Beautiful day here in the Twin Cities. Last time I looked, it was 50 degrees. Hurrah! Of course, it's not like I'll be going anywhere to enjoy it. Sigh.

I've been toying with taking a CSS class. (CSS is Cascading Style Sheets and it's used in website design). I've seen enough CSS stuff to think it's really cool, although I read that there are issues in IE5, which a lot of people still use. The problem is really time. Even though the class is online and only runs for 6 weeks, I don't know if I'll be able to squeeze it in. I want to take a couple weeks off after I mail TACV off to NYC and a class where I have to think--and work--isn't much of a vacation. On the other hand, if I wait and try to take the April class, I might be too busy by then to be able to do anything.

I have a really cool idea I want to implement, but don't have the web creation skills necessary. :-( I really, really love playing with the web, and if I had the time and money, would be interesting in becoming an officially educated web designer. Oh, well, this isn't going to happen. Wish I could afford a web designer, someone really good. That's a problem too since I've seen the work of web designers in my price range and I'm at least as good as they are. The designers I think do a way cool job are much too expensive. Kind of a Catch-22. So my really cool idea sits.

Demon time continues. I was up till 4am writing last night (or should I say this morning?) I had a hell of a time getting up at 11:30, but I didn't want to sleep past noon again. Gah! Today promises to be loads of fun. Not! I have another chapter first off that's going to require a fair amount of work. Happy, happy, joy, joy. I really wish I could write that perfect first draft. Maybe on the next book. ;-)