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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The Return of Kendall and Wyatt

I've been fighting to focus on the WIP since the end of April. That's when I started to anticipate revisions for TACV and my thoughts were filled with my demon children. They remained even when revisions were done, but last night, Kendall and Wyatt (the h/h from the WIP) started talking again. Hurrah! Whether what I started getting will make the story, who knows? But just the fact that they're drowning out Mika and Conor gives me hope. Plus, I know exactly how to fix a spot in a chapter I need to revise. Double Hurrah!

Now the debate begins. Should I bring the laptop to work today and write on lunch or should I spend my break working on another project I need to finish? I'm leaning toward the latter just because I don't feel like hauling this thing in. I really need to get my smaller (and lighter) laptop fixed. :-(

MN Weather Report: 63 degrees.