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Monday, April 17, 2006

I managed to survive the fight scene. I have the basic choreography down and today I'll go through to layer in emotion and stuff. The one thing I've learned is that I can't write everything in a fight in one day. I can either do the action or I can do the internal thoughts/emotion, but not both. Same with love scenes. Oh, I try to do it all at one time, but it's never worked. Sigh.

So I wrote a bunch of stuff yesterday, and dribbled in a few more pages until close to 10pm, which is pretty late for me, then went to bed. As I was laying there, Ryne reveals some of her background. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to use it, but it explains her strong aversion to sex with humans. I figured there had to be more there than what she was telling me. Now, of course, I'm going to have to check the opening chapters and make sure the foreshadowing is there to tell others that there's more to it than what she's saying. I'll save that, though, for my revision run through the book.

Yesterday, I was thinking back, remembering when I had time after my first couple of books to do promo on it. I'm so busy, with such tight deadlines right now, that I don't have time to even do much thinking about it. Which reminds me, I need to get some info so that I can hire someone to design my bookmarks. I don't have time to spend hours messing with my Paint Shop program, trying to make it all work.