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Friday, August 11, 2006

I Have a Yard

First, here's the pin that I received when Through a Crimson Veil was named Best Paranormal Romance in the Booksellers Best Awards.

The picture didn't come out as well as I'd hoped it would. There's a little pair of glasses on the right and the bookmark says "Booksellers Best."

Now on to the yard. The lawn guys finished putting in the sod today. Yea! Much of the backyard was seeded instead of sodded to save money, but the front yard looks beautiful. Check out House Gallery 10 to see the pictures.

My PITA next door neighbors were at it again. Sigh. These would be the same people who trimmed some bushes in their yard and threw the refuse in mine. They were bitching and moaning about the yard guys. And we didn't go all the way to the property line on their side of my house and now the woman thinks those four or five feet are hers. Good grief. In one of the departments I've worked in, the joke when someone was being a dink was that they needed to get laid. (Forgive the crudeness.) I'm thinking there's one couple on my block who's been celibate for way too long. ;-)

Anyhow, I'm trying to not let them ruin the experience of owning my first house. They're making it darn difficult, though.

So blinds are taken care of, yard is in, now if I could only get my dad to finish a few projects inside the house for me. :-)