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Thursday, April 17, 2008


I found gallimaufry in the thesaurus--it means hodgepodge--and I decided to use it since it's perfect since I intend to jump all over the map today and I'm unlikely to ever use it again. And not just as a blog post title. ;-) I'm starting with the bragging first; I hope y'all don't mind.

First of all, I received my first ever Publisher's Weekly review for In Twilight's Shadow! Mostly it's a recap of the plot, but at the very end, they say:
"Maia is a strong, realistically vulnerable heroine, and gruff Creed melts almost immediately."
I'm in the Mass Market section with authors who have much bigger names than me. I'm hugely thrilled and now I need to get to the library so I can make a copy of the review for my scrapbook!

I also found a completely fabulous review at Simply Romance Reviews.
"In Twilight's Shadow was a fast paced intricately woven tale of suspense, revenge, love, and possession."
Another piece of good news at a time where I need it so much. I guess I owe the universe a thank you.

People who've been reading my blog for a while know that I'm a rabid baseball fan. I've had to curb myself numerous times to keep from talking about games and other happenings in the sport too much--sometimes the temptation is difficult to resist. Now, however, I think I can safely promise y'all no more baseball talk over here. I found a new place to talk ball! Major League Baseball allows fans to talk about the game over on their blog site. I've already posted at Patti's Baseball Blog. I need to remember to add this to the sidebar.