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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Synopsis Hell - Over. Kind of.

I finished the synopsis for my next book this weekend and sent it off to my agent! This is huge because I've been fighting with this thing for weeks. It feels so good to have this off my To Do List, to not have to deal with the frustration as I fight with transitions or trying to figure out what goes exactly where. I think I can safely say that synopsis writing is my least favorite part of being an author and it's one of the most difficult things for me to do, but I guess it's a necessary evil.

Of course, even though I tried to cover all the bases in the synopsis and sent it to my writing buddy for a second set of eyes, it doesn't mean my agent won't have questions or things she thinks I can make stronger. Which means I might have this thing back at me for another pass. TBH, I'm hoping I don't get it back. I just want to start working on the actual story. I'm ready to really write, not synopsis write.

This week is also the week that I'm supposed to get revisions from my editor on Edge of Dawn and I am really ready for them. This is the last hard part in the process of getting a book together for publication. At least on my end of the deal. Edits are easier and galleys much, much easier. A book feels finished after revisions.

Focusing on the synopsis put me behind on other things, like email and housework and weeding, but they'll all be there tomorrow. Or the next day. :-)