There's construction going on, and yesterday, as I'm working on chapter 6, they made their presence known. I was working on the second scene in chapter 6, and making some good progress, when I heard this thump. The power cuts out, but comes back on almost immediately. Another thump, another off and on. I unplug the electrical cord from the laptop before the third thump. Then came the fourth thump, and the power went down and stayed down. For 2.5 hours. Those construction guys weren't going to give up. I'm sitting there thinking, what? The first thump or two didn't offer a clue that maybe they want to try something different? Sigh.
With no power and this wide screen laptop sucking power from the battery at an alarming rate, I powered down and tried to find something else to do. I opted to bundle up a box of bookmarks for Crimson Veil into packets of 25. My parents had worked on bundling up most of them for me while I was in Reno. I finished the box, still no power. I looked through the JC Penney big fall/winter catalog. Still no power. I don't have access to my MP3 player, so no music. Or my crossword puzzles, so no games. Nothing to do but wait. And wait. I've said this before, but it's amazing how much our lives revolve around electricity.
When the power finally came back on at 7pm, I decided to make a stab of catching up on my email. I think I've mentioned how horribly behind I am. I did make progress, but I'm still not caught up. At least only 1 person answered me.
So it's raining today and incredibly humid. The goal is to finish chapter 6 today. I'm hoping to move on to 7, too, but this scene I'm working in has some major character stuff I need to fix, so it might take the entire day.
This is something I find very interesting. Always before this story, either both the hero and heroine from a book talked to me, or the heroine talked. I've never had a story where it's the hero that's been open and not the heroine--until RFS. Wyatt is the first well-adjusted, no real issues hero that I've ever had. He's the boy-next-door type--if that boy has grown up sexy as hell and joined Army Special Forces. :-) But he's so well, normal. So, as I'm writing, I feel like I have a really good grip on Wyatt and the scenes in his point of view (POV) are easy.
Kendall is another story. She's the one who's all shut down and wary. And she's the character I "lost" as I was writing chapter 6. I couldn't figure out for the longest time why I was having so much trouble. Then came the epiphany. I had Kendall reacting wrong. That's what I'm fixing now.
Where this problem comes into play is that usually in the stories where the hero isn't talking (TPOT and TACV), it didn't matter all that much because the primary POV character was the heroine. But in RFS (I guess I should try to call it TOD (Temple of Dreams), huh?), it's all reversed.
My big decision is how to handle this. The easiest way is to stay in Wyatt's POV as much as possible since I have a good grip on him. But. But he knows things the reader can't know yet, while Kendall is in the dark. From a plot perspective, I really should spend at least equal time in her head--if not more. Guess I'll finish 6 and debate what to do when I reach chapter 7. :-)
MN Weather Report: 68 degrees. Rain. Humid.