I've been looking at building a house. That's why I'm late blogging today--my builder came by with some pricing figures and we discussed options. All I have to say is EEK! We're not talking a lot of square footage here, but the total left me hyperventilating. And I still think I'm going to do this. I must be insane. Or if I'm not insane already, I will be by the time the house is done. Did I say EEK?
But it will be really cool. The kitchen, living room and dining room are all open with a vaulted ceiling. I'm thinking pergo floors--looks like hardwood, but holds up better and is much cheaper. It'll have a center island and because it's so open, I'll have to go with a lot of neutrals.
Three bedrooms, which will give me a master suite with a walk-in closet--I've longed for one of those--plus a really large bathroom. That's been another dream of mine. And I'll have a writing room. I'd like to use the third bedroom to set up my scrapbook stuff, but I'll probably have to get a cast off card table to work on since I won't be able to afford a desk. Did I say EEK? Washer and dryer on the main level so I won't have to run up and down stairs to do laundry. And I'm thinking I can set up all my fiction books downstairs.
I love the idea of this house, it has everything I've always wanted/liked, so when I think about that and about how great it would be to live in, I get all excited. Then I think of the cost and it's back to EEK!
The other thing that's making me go EEK is the idea of working full time, writing and meeting my deadlines, keeping the doctor appointments for my foot, mailing out promotional materials that I promised people, and building on top of all this. Sleep? What's sleep? The builder already wants me to drive out to one of his models to see a kitchen he did there and it's a half hour just to reach the place. I think I'll be hyperventilating about the time this is costing me just as much as the money. EEK!
MN Weather Report: 76 degrees. A tad humid.