The Atlanta Braves have this horrible habit of choking in the playoffs, and once again, they've snatched possible defeat from the jaws of almost certain victory. Rooting for this team is almost as painful as being a Minnesota Vikings' fan.
In other baseball news, the Padres were eliminated last night which takes out the second of the four teams I wanted to see win. San Diego only made it to the playoffs because the NL West was a horrible division, so it isn't a surprise to see the Cardinals take them out. I was hoping, though, because I loathe the STL team.
If this keeps up, I'm going to be rooting for the teams I hate the least. Not a fun post season then. Sigh.
Edited to add: Atlanta chokes again in 17 innings. They should have won it, though, in 9, but they gave up FIVE RUNS! Now three of the four teams I want to win are out of the running to be World Series Champs. Arrgghhhhh!!! Come on Angels. At least let me have one team I like playing!