I had a quick conversation with a friend last night. She was helping me come up with an idea for a guest blog I'm supposed to do this week. After we finished talking about that, I started complaining about the scene I'm working on. I cut everything I'd written. "All Kendall does is think," I said. Now granted, it's time for her to figure a few things out, so I guess thinking is required, but I can present it better. Then I made the mistake of talking about the first scene in the chapter. "And Alex is talking. Talk, talk, talk. Think, think, think," I told her. "Blah!"
Then she made a scathingly brilliant suggestion. One that requires dumping most of the 11 pages I've written in this chapter and redoing them. 11 out of the 31 pages I wrote this weekend. Dumped. Cut. Gone! But damn it, her idea is brilliant. So when I get home from work today, I will jettison my 11 pages and redo the scene. Whimpering all the time about how this sets me back on my page count.
MN Weather Report: 67 degrees. Temperatures plummeting throughout the day.