Apparently, Mr. Congeniality is counting how many times I go to the bathroom at work. Can you hear me screaming??? He actually said to me, you're really logging the miles today. I was like, huh? Yes, I'd made one extra trip to the bathroom that morning, and he had to comment on it. This makes me uncomfortable to say the least. I don't want some guy I work with monitoring how many trips I make to the ladies' room. I'm trying to think how I can avoid him noticing, but I'm not sure I can. His cube is right next to mine, and since I'm still confined to the fashionable cam boot for at least another three weeks, I can't sneak out the opposite direction. The velcro makes a little noise every time I take a step.
I've made smashing progress on my To Do List, which is a huge relief. I'm down to one thing I need to write, three things I need to do (none of which are that difficult, just a little time consuming), and a list of appointments. I'm almost finished with an interview I've done for a local paper--I just need to reread what I wrote and have it proofed--and then that will be finished too. I love crossing items off my list!
On the minus side of the ledger, I'm hearing from people who can't find Crimson Veil in their area. So far I've heard from Northern California, San Diego, Southern Illinois, and Northern Florida. I also had a friend who went to one of the local malls and that bookstore didn't have TACV either, so she had to go to Barnes & Noble at another mall. I'm about ready to freak out, thinking my book is sitting in a warehouse somewhere, unshipped. Gah! Writers should just be able to write without worrying about all this other stuff.
MN Weather Report: 55 degrees.