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Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Does anyone have any tips on how to focus on revisions when I'd rather be doing stuff on the house?

I've never had difficulty concentrating on my writing before. I've always been able to lose myself in the story and get done what I needed to get done. Well, almost always. I had a little problem when I broke my foot, but pain, surgery, and pain meds are extenuating circumstances. This is all mental.

I close on the house Thursday. I want to buy lovely things for my house, like a mailbox and curtains. I want to pack stuff into boxes and be ready to move. I've got plenty of time to get my things into the new house, but I want to start NOW.

I'll be working on revisions, and right in the middle of them, I'll think of something else I need. Like a storm door. Or that the garage door opener isn't hooked to the garage door yet and where are my remotes? There are hundreds and hundreds of little details popping into my head and interfering with my writing.

The universe has perfect timing--allegedly. I should trust that revisions landing at the exact same time I'm closing on my house is a good thing. Right?

Anyway, I am getting things done, but it's slow because I'm so mentally scattered.

They put the screens on the windows yesterday. The pull outs for my cabinets are supposed to go in today, and the guy who's installing the shower door should come today too. Or tomorrow. I'm hoping for today. And then I think we're about done.

In other news, I stumbled across a review for Through a Crimson Veil yesterday that I didn't know about and posted a snippet on my website. If you're interested, you can check it out on the Crimson Veil Reviews page.