My dining room table still hasn't been delivered. A call gave a new delivery date of around March 12th--a full month after it was promised. This creeping delay is exactly what I was afraid would happen. The thing is I haven't seen another table that I like even a fraction as much and I've still been kind of looking.
I finally made an appointment for a haircut. My stylist is squeezing me in at 8:15 Saturday morning. Gulp. Well, so much for sleeping in, but this will probably work out. I'll be up and moving early and still have plenty of day left to pack things up and cart them to the house. I'm such a horrible dawdler in the morning.
And I heard from my editor yesterday. She has my revisions and is trying to insert them all. It's a daunting task, no doubt about that. At first, she couldn't see the markups in the compare/review document I sent. Which had me scrambling over lunch to look for the smaller changes. Some were only a word or even a letter in the case of a typo. I had a note from her in the afternoon, though, that when she reopened the document, the redline markups appeared.
Believe it or not, yesterday I had a list of interesting things that I thought I'd mention here this morning. The only one I remembered was the table--which proves that interesting is relative. ;-)
I did open the file on the WIP and did a little editing as I read through it. I'm hesitating about leaping into this mentally in case I have more revisions for Eternal Nights to work on. This limbo land is hard for me because I've always had difficulty switching my head between stories. No one, BTW, had any good tips on how to do this other than rereading the story, or listening to music that evokes the mood. Maybe today I'll work on the promo piece I was asked to write about EN.