Yesterday after work, my dad brought the leaf blower over and we went window by window, blowing out any grass the wasp had left behind. I didn't see any more signs of her, but then like I said, I can't reach the latches to unlock my kitchen windows. My dad sprayed around the outline, though, after wasps turn in for the night, so if she was there, hopefully she's dead. I loathe wasps.
That was pretty much the highlight in the day. I deleted some blogline subscriptions in order to keep my sanity. All writers are insecure and neurotic, it's just a matter of to what degree and how well they conceal it. Unfortunately, every time I start to gain some confidence in my writing, something happens to knock it out of me, so I tend to be in the more insecure category.
I did watch some of the home run derby yesterday that's associated with the All Star Game. I was hoping to see David Ortiz in the final round (he's a former Twin and a current Red Sox player), but he didn't make it. It ended up being between David Wright of the Mets and Ryan Howard of the Phillies. I went to bed before a winner could be determined, but there is one thing that floors me. All those kayakers in the river. They were jumping in the water after homerun balls. Huh? This is a big so what for me. There is absolutely no way that I'd jump into a river and battle other kayakers/swimmers for a baseball. Especially once it got dark.
And I just saw on ESPN that Ryan Howard won. He's the one I was rooting for.