I managed to procrastinate yesterday until it was time to go to bed so I'll really have to put in some time tonight to make up for it. The thing I think that's causing me trouble is the alien technology for book 1. It makes it kind of a psychological deal instead of straightforward action and I don't know how to write something like that. :-( I wanted to think about alternatives last night, but I fell asleep too fast.
It's going to be a busy week for me too. The sod guy is coming out on Thursday/Friday to put that in. No, I still don't have a yard, but I will shortly. I was hoping to wait till fall because we've had such a dry summer, but my dad arranaged everything for me and this is what he set up.
I also have a woman from a blind store coming out on Wednesday. (I almost said the blind lady was coming out, but then I figured that it might confuse everyone as to what I was talking about.) I'm only looking to put up honeycomb blinds in two rooms right now, but the temporary stuff needs to go soon and my bedroom needs something on the windows. Of course, the computer room is still loaded with boxes and I'm going to have to shift those things so she can get to the window to measure it. Gee, more work that isn't related to my writing. Does it ever stop?
In a weird side note kind of thing, I visit Webshots almost every day. I get bored easily with my screen background and XP doesn't offer a lot of options. I also have the quote of the day on my page because they usually have some good ones. The thing that's weird is the daily horoscope they post. Nearly every day it seems directed right at me.
Now, while I find astrology to be eerily accurate to a large degree in an overview of my personality kind of way, I've never felt the same way about the daily horoscopes. Those always seem to be coming from left field. Not the one on Webshots, not for me. It's actually getting freaky the way it seems to be talking to me.
Oh! For the first time ever, Writerspace didn't have me listed for the Leisure and Love Spell author chat! Even on my first book they had me listed. I couldn't believe they forgot me! I sent the woman who did it last October a note to let her know I'd be there, but I don't know if she still handles the chats and she didn't reply to my email. There's always one more thing for me to obsess over.