First, I found out today that In the Midnight Hour won the Barclay Gold Award for Best Paranormal! You can see a list of all the winners at the LCRW website.
Things are really busy right now--both at the Evil Day Job and at home with the writing. Right now, I'm working on edits for Edge of Dawn which will be out July 2009 and trying to write the Work In Progress (WIP). That is on the schedule for March 2010. Lots to do and not much time to do it in. So I hope y'all don't mind another entertaining video.
This is from JC Penney and it's about men who give the wrong gift. I think one of the reasons why I find it so amusing is that I worked with a woman whose husband was hopeless at gifts. When they were dating in high school, he bought her a WaterPik one year. After they were married, gifts have included moon boots, a men's sweater, and a slip about twice her size. He thought it was a night gown. We used to look forward to events like anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas so we'd have another story to laugh about. Unfortunately, their daughter grew up enough to help her father pick out presents and we lost our guess-what-he-got-her-now stories.
Anyway, the video is nearly 5 minutes long and some of it is funnier than other parts of it, but it's an interesting advertising concept.