This weekend I was back into the Work In Progress (WIP). As it turns out, my hero is a rugby fan, particularly the New Zealand All Blacks team. Since I don't know thing one about rugby, I've had to do some research. I still don't know the game, but I did discover that the All Blacks do the haka before each of their international matches. It started in the late 1800s, if I remember correctly. If not, it was right around the turn of the century, so it's a tradition that goes back a long way.
There are a lot of cool videos of the All Blacks doing the haka on You Tube including some where the Somoan and Tongan teams do their own version of the haka right back at them. I'm afraid I didn't learn the names of their dances in my research.
I'm going to share one of the videos of the haka here. It's short, just slightly over one minute, and the quality is pretty good. The best part, though, is that there are subtitles at the bottom that explain what the players are saying and giving a little context on the dance.