I spent my lunch hour today at work trying to write a guest blog post instead of writing story. What I managed to come up with is an unmitigated mess and I'll have to redo it--hopefully with a better premise--tonight. Yes, it's due tomorrow. The problem was I couldn't come up with a topic and I was counting on an epiphany. I didn't get one.
It's so much easier to blog here. I just riff on whatever I feel like talking about. If I had to categorize it, I'd say I'm chatting with y'all. But when I guest, I need to sound clever, intelligent, interesting and get people excited about my stories. That puts the pressure on me. I figure if y'all are reading my blogs, you're okay with me just talking about whatever's on my mind that day--usually it's my characters, but hey, that's what writing is all about for me. The characters.
If only I had a topic, a theme, something for this guest post.
That's not my only topic issue. I'm doing a presentation at my chapter on Saturday morning. It's called Journey Of A Novel and I'm talking about In the Darkest Night. Only I don't have a clue what to focus on here either. What do the writers in my chapter want to hear me talk about? I've done several other Journeys for the group on other books, so the topics that jump readily to mind have already been covered. What can I say that's new?
Imagine me turning up my face to the sky and yelling, "Epiphany, I need you. Now!" Gak!