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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

FAQ on J9

I still get a lot of email and questions about my Jarved Nine world and books, so I thought I'd answer some of them here.

Are you going to release RAVYN'S FLIGHT and ETERNAL NIGHTS in ebook format?
Yes, I am going to release RAVYN'S FLIGHT and ETERNAL NIGHTS on ebook. There's a delay right now as my agent and I have submitted them to a publisher to see if they'd be willing to reissue them. If that doesn't come to pass, I'll work on getting them out, but please bear with me.
Are you going to write more books set in this world?
I do want to write more stories in this world, but because they'd have to be self-published, they're a side project, something I can only work on between my other stories. Because of this, I can't give any timelines or promises.
Do you have stories for J9? Who are the characters?
Yes, I do. As I wrote THE TROLL BRIDGE, I knew it could be expanded to a full-length book and I plan to do that, but I also have six new story ideas (2 trilogies) that I'd like to get to first because of the timeline. Troll's story takes place in 2050 and all the other stories play out before that. Also, if I manage to get all this done in my spare time, I have to write Cam Brody's story (Ravyn and Damon's son) because my mom keeps asking me for it. I do know who Cam's heroine is, but I don't have a story for them yet.

Most of the stories revolve around members of Wyatt's team (Eternal Nights). The first set of books I want to do have Z Man, Gravedigger, and Flare as the heroes. They were mentioned in Eternal Nights or The Troll Bridge or both. If you read Troll's story, you met Flare's heroine there.

I'll talk a little more about the stories on Thursday.