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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Notes, Notes, Notes

Organization is among my biggest issues when it comes to writing. I've tried so many different methods that I can't keep them all straight any longer. One of the things I did, though, is turning out to be a problem now.

Back when I lived in Minnesota, I started carrying a steno notebook in my tote bag. When I got information on a story, I would jot it down. It didn't matter which story it was, it went in the notebook. I used tabs to color code which pages were for which book/series. This worked fine. And then I filled the book and had to start a second one.

And a third.

And then there were the loose notes that I never took the time to transfer over to a notebook. Um, yeah, I did mention organization was a problem. I'm not sure you can see just how thick that note stack actually is, but it's daunting. (At least it's sorted by series/book!)

Clearly, this method was an utter failure because the color coding didn't stay consistent among the notebooks and the loose notes further complicate the whole mess.

So I'm onto another method now. Will this one work? Who knows. But I did get to play with my sticker maker and create a label for each series I'd like to keep notes for.

There are two notebooks for Jarved Nine because I have two different trilogy ideas for Wyatt's teammates (Eternal Nights) and I want to keep them separated. I also have around 5 more stories for the Blood Feud World that I'd like to get to. These are all some day projects and not on the immediate agenda.

Now the trick is going to be finding time to move all the notes from picture one to the notebooks in picture 2. I work full time, have a house and an aging parent to take care of, and a horrible commute that takes up way more time in Atlanta than it ever did in Minneapolis. And oh, yeah, I still need to write because I'd like to finish my Paladin League series before the roaring 20s. :-)