I mentioned previously how backed up I am on podcasts. I turned almost all of them off for automatic download, but I'm still backed up. As I mentioned in that earlier blog post, the problem is that I listened at work to block out all the noise from the horrible open office concept seating and I didn't need to do that at home because it's mostly nice and quiet here.
But those few podcasts that I wanted to listen to and were still downloading and backing up my episodes were still an issue. As I write this, I'm at 68 on one of my favorite podcasts, the one I always listened to on my commutes. At 40 podcasts for one about screenwriting, which I find interesting even if I have no desire at this point to actually write a script. And I have a handful of others with between 4-14 episodes.
I did lower a couple of other podcast feeds down very low that were really, really high numbers by being tough. Was I interested in that episode/topic? If not, it went. And then I powered through the other ones to get sort of caught up.
Why not do it with the other ones I mentioned in paragraph 2? Those are longer podcasts. The one I listened to on my commute is two episodes a week--one at around 90 minutes and the other at about 2.5 hours. Great when I was driving so much, but it's slow going to get caught up on those. Basically all the podcasts left are ones with longer episodes.
But I might have a sort of solution. It's not going to get me caught up, but maybe it can keep me from falling farther behind. I'm listening while I walk. Since I can't go to the gym, this is my exercise. Normally, I listen to fast-paced music, but I've been flipping on the podcasts and trying to keep my pace quick.
We'll see how this goes over the long term, but so far it seems to be keeping things even.