I blogged back in November about a new online tool for organizing and I thought I'd report back. Sadly, not for me. I might try it again for things that aren't writing related, but for my stories, I prefer my current system.
Part of it is undoubtedly familiarity and I might give this app a try for things that aren't writing related, but the bottom line is what I was/am using works better for me.
This doesn't mean I won't keep trying new apps, programs, options. Just like with pens, I will definitely stray. This gave me a new favorite pen. We'll see if I ever like anything better than my combo of OneNote and Excel.
I have a kanban board app that I never use because I prefer the kanban board on the wall of my office. I have electronic planners that I can use on my iPad, but I prefer my paper planner. There are a large number of project management apps out there that I think I could make work for my writing and yet I default back to spreadsheets and OneNote.
Other writers talk about offline accessibility, but I have my files in the cloud and can pull them up on my phone whenever I want.
I want to love another program, one that will make everything easier, but I haven't found it yet.