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Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Coffee Fail

My coffee maker has a timer on it, which is perfect for work days. I set the program button and wake up in the morning to fresh, hot coffee. But there's only one setting. I can't program a separate time for weekends.

Instead, I do one of two things. One, I wake up and wait for the coffee to finish. Impatiently. Or two, I wake up, traipse into the kitchen to press the button, and then go back to bed for a while. Neither choice is optimal because it involves me, getting out of bed. :-(

Then, one morning while I was half asleep, I thought wouldn't it be awesome to grab my phone and say, hey, Siri, start the coffee.

Hmm, what if I bought a smart plug that was compatible with Apple Homekit. So I hopped online while I was still in bed (and sleepy) and wow, there's a smart plug set on a gold box deal. It had decent reviews and a lot of them, so I ordered and went back to sleep for a while.

I'd like to say that as soon as I woke up, I realized why my plan wasn't going to work, but that's not what happened.

My smart plugs arrived, I ditzed around for like a half an hour, trying to get them connected to my iPhone, and once I did, I plugged the coffee maker into one of them. And that's when it dawned on my that my scathingly brilliant idea was an epic fail.

The button to brew coffee isn't going to stay pressed while there is no power to the coffee maker. Sure, I can turn the plug on, but the coffee maker is going to stay dark. No brewing.

Then there are the problems of continually needing to reset the clock and redo the programming for the work week. Sigh.

I've since discovered there are smart coffee makers. I won't be replacing my current coffee maker. It's reasonably new and I actually really like it a lot. But when this one goes to appliance heaven, my next one is going to be able to be controlled from my bed. I want to be able to say, Hey, Siri, start the coffee.