As I was finishing up the first round of edits on Wicked Salvation, Griff's story, I had a realization. The first four books could have a subtitle added. Paladin League: The Musketeers.
This wasn't planned out. I seem to have things occur to me after the fact all the time on my books, but the Musketeers thing showed up organically in Wicked Obsession. And then, as I was going through Griff's story, I realized the next book belongs to Kyle, the fourth (and newest) Musketeer. So yeah, Paladin League: The Musketeers.
I have a second four-book arc I plan to write in the Paladin League and now I want to come up with some kind of subtitle for this one, too. Nothing sounds right yet, though.
It's funny how when things crop up organically, they're just about perfect, but when I work hard to come up with something, it doesn't seem to measure up.
As you can see in the graphic above, you're getting a sneak peek at Kyle's cover. I'll do a formal reveal and talk about him later. I will say, though, that Kyle made his personality known loud and clear in Griff's book and it wasn't what I'd expected.