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Thursday, November 04, 2021

Too Much

I blogged about trying to clean my office. And a few hours not being enough time to finish it. There are a few issues going on.

First, I have the closet jammed with office supplies. I need to sort through it and find out what I still need. For example, I found ink cartridges for a printer that I don't use any longer and they were more than ten years old. Like those would work even if I wanted to use that printer again.

Second, all the reference books I have.

I don't use my reference books. Almost ever. When I need to find a piece of information, I look it up online. And I have a lot of books. The books you see in the picture? That's only some of what's in my office. I have an Ikea bookcase behind me with 12 cubbies--six on each side--filled with more books. I mean filled.

Honestly, I could get rid of most of the books. It would give me more space to store the things I really do need to have handy. But I carefully picked these reference books out over years. How do I just get rid of them? And what if I get rid of one I need later?

Some of the titles are writing books. Those I would probably hang on to, so the left side of the desk books would stay. It's the right side. The dictionaries and thesauri, the language dictionaries, the grammar books, my HTML and CSS computer coding books. I search online for answers on all these things.

I don't think I'm ready to part with them.

There's also old computer equipment to get rid of, but that requires removing hard drives and I just don't wanna.

There are drawers to clean out and organize. A large lateral filing cabinet that also needs some TLC and the filing cabinet I still have in the garage that needs to have its contents transferred to the one in the office.

So much to do, so little time (and interest) in doing any of it.