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Thursday, July 07, 2022

Bathroom In Progress: Part One

I promised on Tuesday that I would tell the story of the foundation company. Some fun here.

The guy came out and did the inspection. He said the odds were 95% that there was a crack in the foundation and that I would need foam injected under the slab to level it. Because he wasn't completely sure, he didn't take a deposit.

We also had a little time crunch going on. The renovation was starting on Monday and this was the Thursday before. They normally need five weeks lead time, but he said he'd work with the scheduling department. I should call him as soon as the tile was up on Monday and he'd jump on it.

Okay. So the tile came up on Monday and there's a crack. My dad calls the guy. Three times. A few hours apart. He finally calls back that evening. Keep in mind that literally two business days have passed since this guy was out to inspect the foundation. He's left the company and no longer works there. He's going to pass our number on to someone else.

I'm like, um, dude? No warning? Did he not give two-weeks notice?

Anyway, the contractor wasn't concerned. He said it was a stress crack and nothing affecting the foundation. And the guy who quit from the foundation company was worried about one side being higher than the other. But when I ran my finger across the area, everything felt level to me.

Do you know when the guy called who took over for the guy who quit? Thursday. THURSDAY. By then, we had the tile done around the shower and were starting to put down the liner for the floor.

Here are the shots of the tear down:

Renovation Day Two brought a revelation about the the shower. Stay tuned for that story.