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Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Tattoo You

Anyone who knows me well is aware that I have a huge aversion to needles. I also get bored easily and these two reasons are why I've never gotten a tattoo and don't plan to do so. But I've been eyeing temporary tattoos for a while.

Nothing I saw excited me. I'd look through the store, think things were okay, but I never put anything in my cart. Nothing spoke to me.

And then a couple of weeks ago on Facebook, I got an ad for temporary tattoos, but these were words. Words that spoke to me. Words that I could focus on and use to inspire myself. I went back to the website several times and dithered.

Maybe I should get one of the collections? Except in each collection I only liked a few of the tattoos and why spend money for something I won't want to wear?

I finally did some math and realized I wasn't saving any money with a collection, so I might as well go with the individual options I liked and curate my own collection.

I put the first one on my arm on Saturday. I wanted to start with an option I liked, but didn't love so that if I messed up, I wouldn't be angry at myself. I didn't mess up. The temporary tattoo went on easily. All it takes is a little rubbing alcohol to clean the area and a soaked cloth or sponge. Hold the wet rag over the tattoo for 30 seconds and there it was.

They're only supposed to last about a week or so, I think. That's okay because (as I already said) I get easily bored and I'll probably be ready for a new one around that time.

I also really like these word choices because they're positive and something I can focus on and repeat. The one I tested out was "Limitless." The one I'm really looking forward to wearing is "Head Up, Wings Out." I picked up a few others that spoke to me, but there are more I want to try. I'll see how these work for me first.

I did not receive any compensation for this post and paid full price for the temporary tattoos. I was just excited about the manifestation possibilities. It's like having a word of the year on my arm every day so I can look down and send out that energy.

If you're interested, check out Conscious Ink.