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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Plant Assassin

I'm horrible with plants.

Even the hard-to-kill kind die on my watch. But I have this lucky bamboo plant that's survived living with me for more than ten years. It might even be around fifteen years.

But it outgrew its pot. I needed to go in and prune the root ball since I had no intention of buying an even bigger pot for it. The pot it's in is big enough.

Of course, I only had a YouTube video on how to do this pruning of the root ball and a super busy schedule. By the time I got around to the attempt, most of the plant was dead.

I took Friday off from work and this was one of the items on the agenda for the day.

As it turned out, with most of the plant dead, there was no need to prune the root ball. I just pulled out the stalks that were still green. There were three small ones. I put them in fresh potting soil that I'd bought months and months ago, tamped it down, brought it back in the house, and watered it.

Now I wait and see if it makes it.

So I didn't actually assassinate the entire plant, just 3/4 of it. At least up till now.

I wonder how long it takes to know if the plant is going to dig in and go on or if the three remaining stalks of bamboo are going to give up, too?