Deck has finally started to share information about himself!
I say this as if this is unusual, but it isn't. It seems most of my characters need to be coaxed to share who they are, but it's always frustrating. It doesn't stop me from writing their stories, but it has led to some big work on revisions.
For example, when I was writing Ravyn's Flight, I was literally more than halfway through the story before Damon shared a key piece of information about himself. It meant rewriting a lot of work. A lot.
So Deck keeping quiet isn't a new thing, but it was still a huge relief when he started opening up about who he is.
Then there's Francesca who remains mum about who she is. I know she was in love with Deck when they knew each other in the past and that his disappearing on her was extra painful, but other than that? I don't have much from her. I'm hoping that when Deck is through telling me about himself that she'll pipe up, but there are no guarantees.
This is more unusual. My heroines are normally a lot more forthcoming than my heroes. Maybe it's because Deck has been in three other stories I've written and this is Francesca's first appearance.