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Thursday, August 31, 2023

Phone Games

Unfortunately, when I titled this post Phone Games, I wasn't thinking about the match three I play on the elliptical or while I'm waiting in line somewhere.

The phone games I'm talking about has to do with all the requests for my phone number. There are a lot of sites now that are making it a requirement to put in some kind of phone number. Ugh! Do not like. I used to just put in my dad's cell phone number because he always had it off, but we let it go because it was always off and it was silly to pay for it.

Adding a second line to my mobile account would double what I'm paying, so that was a non-starter. Then I remembered Google Voice was free for people in the USA. Perfect.

I signed up, chose my number, downloaded the app to my cell phone, and figured I was set. I started putting this number on all the sites/places that demanded a phone number for no good reason.

And then Google threatened to take my number away from me because I never used it.

That was a massive fail. So now I'm messaging with myself regularly, sending memes back and forth and whatever else I feel like sending at the moment, just to keep the number active.

This is my latest phone game and it's not fun.