I'm like 99% positive I blogged about my list of 25 Things to do Before 2025. I would link to the post if I could find it, but alas, Blogger search has let me down.
To recap, I made a list in the fall of 2024 of 25 things I wanted to do before the end of the year. It was actually difficult to find 25 things. I didn't want anything overwhelming, and I wanted to mix some fun things in, too. I finally scraped together a list.
I counted the number of items I completed: 14/25.
Not too bad.
One of the items was to find this awesome picture of my mom and dad that my dad showed me after mom died. I meant to take a picture of it, so I'd have a copy, but I didn't do it. I guess I thought I could take the picture of the picture later? Anyway, I did look for the photo, I just didn't find it. So while the intent was there, I can't cross it off the list.
Some of the items on my list were super easy to accomplish like read a new book or watch a movie I hadn't seen before.
Some of the things were not fun at all like get the car serviced and remove a past word of the year (like circa 2021) from my wall. I used to make a vinyl word of the year and put it in the middle of my kanban board every year. Until 2022 because I just never took down the 2021 word. Removing vinyl from the walls isn't fun. It takes a hair dryer and patience. After all this time, I wanted my old word down. I finally did it.
I moved some of the 25 things I didn't accomplish to a new list. 25 Things to Accomplish Before 2026. Other items I left off because I decided I didn't really want to do them.
Overall, I liked this list because it included fun things and little things that I wanted to do but kept putting off with a few tasks tossed in for good measure. I actually did most of the task things. I missed out, though, on coffee on the patio. It got too cold before I managed to do it.