I thought I'd update on my planner collection for 2025. I'll go more in-depth on some of these later. This is just a really general overview.
The planner I chose as my new everyday planner was one I spotted late, after I'd chosen another everyday planner. I decided to pick it up anyway, and it ended up being a good choice. It has all the features I want, or space to set them up, and it has the big feature. Full pages for both Saturday and Sunday.
This planner came in two sizes. A5 and B6. I bought the A5 because I wanted maximum space, but I might be able to downsize next year to the B6. As it stands, right now I have plenty of room to decorate with washi tape and stickers.
The other impulse purchase planner has so many cool features, but it's in two volumes so it doesn't work as my everyday planner. My big wish is that next year it is in one volume. No one buys an A5 for portability, so splitting them into two volumes was unnecessary, especially since it also comes in the ultra-portable A6 size.
My plan was to use this planner for writing-related tasks and word counts, but I haven't done that yet. In fact, the only thing I've done is tip in vellum with the names of the months. I need to figure something out before the year passes.
I'm using the backup everyday planner for journaling. Sometimes I use a prompt. Sometimes I just record what's on my mind. Not quite a brain dump, but along those lines.
My weekly horizontal planner has tasks that need to be done that week, but don't need to be done on a specific day. I bought this in B6 which means it's nice to cart around with me. Next year, I might combine the journal with the weekly because I don't think I need both.
I bought some Travelers-size booklets for time tracking. With my ADHD, it's too easy for me to think ten minutes have passed when it's two hours. I'm hoping tracking will help me stay focused. Next year, I can do that in my new everyday planner because it has the vertical weekly included in it.
Speaking of vertical weeklies, I picked up a Hobonichi Cousin to try out, too. I'm using it as an entertainment planner. Anything I read, watch, listen to, or whatever gets recorded in the planner. I've bought sticker kits to decorate it, and if everyone drops out of the boutique planner sphere (which is what my two choices for everyday planners are. Boutique planners), I know Hobonichi is big enough to still be around. The Cousin would definitely work with some sticker help.
You're probably thinking wow, that's a lot of planners, Patti. WTF?
I have struggled all my life with ADHD, although I wasn't diagnosed until 2024. I always thought I was a lousy adult until I found out it was my brain, not a failing on my part. Looking back, it's also obvious how much my parents helped prop me up, even after I moved to Atlanta, and they were still in Minneapolis. After my mom died, my dad moved in with me and propped me up even more because he was on-scene to handle things.
I took care of everything day to day. My planner helped me stay on top of those items. But things at irregular intervals? Those my dad either took care of or reminded me about handling them. After he died, I struggled badly enough to get tested for ADHD.
I bought multiple planners because I'm hoping to come up with a system to keep me on track. This year is about testing things out, hence the number of planners. As I use them this year, I'm finding ways to combine functions into fewer planners. I'll also be able to rule out the things that don't work and brainstorm different ways to stay on track.
Right now, I'm thinking I'd only need two planners for next year, but testing will continue all year.