A few months ago, I noticed that I had to be really careful whenever I pulled out the bottom rack of my dishwasher. If I didn't take it slow and easy, one of the wheels would fall off the assembly. Every time it happened, I would pick up the wheel, put it back in place, and pop the peg back in.
Then it started happening more often even when I was careful, and this became annoying. It was just one wheel--the left front, so I assumed it was a problem with that assembly.
Then came the day that I pulled out the rack, the left front wheel fell off, but I couldn't locate the peg anywhere. I searched all over the floor. Maybe it was inside the dishwasher. I pulled the rack out farther.
Wheels from all sides started falling off!
Not all at once. First the one on the right front, and when I went to fix that one, some of the wheels from the back fell off. One of those pegs did go inside the dishwasher and I had to pull the rack out farther to fish it out. More wheels came off.
Now it's a full-fledged issue.
I little online searching turned up a video on YouTube on how to fix the wheels. As part of his demonstration, he mentioned that soap and water cause the plastic wheels to degrade over time. I did a little math and figured out the dishwasher is about seven years old.
As you can see in this closeup of one of the wheels, there is definite pitting on the little peg that holds it in place.
I located the part number, did a search, and found a set of upgraded replacement assemblies. I ordered it and they came on Saturday. I rewatched the video on how to replace them, and then I got to work. Wheels popped off just pulling out the rack and putting it atop the island.
The assemblies are supposed to pop off easily with a little pressure, but I didn't have enough strength in my hands to do it. I ended up using a pair of pliers like a wedge to force them to pop. It worked well and didn't cause any damage to the rack itself.
Here's the first assembly on the rack and the second one removed and ready to have its replacement put into position. I did have a little trouble seating them, but once I figured out how to position them, it didn't take much to force them into place.
And ten minutes later, maybe less, I have all new wheel assemblies on my lower rack.
It's going to be so incredibly nice to not worry about wheels falling off every time I pull out the rack to load dishes. It's even nicer to not pay a repairman to come out and do the replacement for me.
Chalk up another one for Handy Patti