I'm completely on my own this morning. My dad has a doctor's appointment and my mom and the aunt went with him. Struggling to do things on my own--simple things like make a cup of instant coffee--have given me a new appreciation for what handicapped people have to go through. It wasn't that I ever thought things were easy for them, but now I know just how damn hard everything can be.
I've been using a wheelchair around the house because it's easier to get around with it than crutches, but even though I can wheel myself around really well, I never had to carry my crutches with me say to the bathroom. My mom would always meet me at the doorway and be holding them, so I'd get out of the chair, take my crutches and hobble into the bathroom. But this morning, there was no one here to carry my crutches, I had to get them to the bathroom myself. It wasn't easy. Now I understand why the doctor and nurses wanted to make sure I'd have someone to take care of me after surgery. Things have been a gazillion times easier because of my folks' help. I don't know what I would have done without them. Believe me, I know how lucky I am to have this kind of assistance and support.
Anyway, in recovery news, I had to take pain killers again last night. My foot was just throbbing. Actually, it really hurts right now too, but I need to write, so I'm going to tough it out. Maybe I'll take some Tylenol, but that will mean wheeling myself around again, so I might just wait till my parents get home and can get the bottle down for me. My hands ache too. A lot. And I know that's from the crutches. Those are damn miserable things.
I managed to write a fair amount yesterday. Not a huge number of pages, but enough. Since I haven't written since before the RWA conference, I was happy with the progress. I also figured out another part that's wrong with what I've already gotten down in RFS and I'll tweak that when I get there. Right now, I'm rewriting the second scene in chapter 5 and then I'll revise chapter 6. I think things will flow smoothly now that I'm picking up the places where I strayed.
MN Weather Report: 71 completely fabulous degrees.