Surgery was one week ago today. That means 14 more days till I can ditch the crutches. Not that I'm counting or anything. ;-)
I am soooo behind on email right now. Horribly, horribly behind. If you're one of the people I need to respond to, hang in there. I'm trying to do a couple of email every day. It would just really help if people wouldn't answer me immediately. ;-) I know, I know.
I made myself get up around 8:15 this morning even though I couldn't fall asleep again last night. This time, though, instead of reaching for the pain killers, I took advil. That worked just fine, so maybe I can put the drugs away. Right now, my foot feels good. Of course, I haven't moved around a whole lot either yet. I've finished my coffee, but my brain still feels like it's asleep. I'm trying to think of some way to jolt it into gear.
Yesterday, I continued my work on chapter 5. I should finish the rewrite today and segue into chapter 6. I had an epiphany night before last. I lost Kendall. It explains a lot. So I'll fix the stuff that needs fixing and move forward.
MN Weather Report: 67 gorgeous, sunny degrees.