The one thing about judging contests is I get as excited as the people who entered. I'm eager to see who finaled and can hardly stand the wait. I know when my packets were due in to the coordinators and I'm wondering how much longer it will be. And I'm still broken hearted over that one fab entry I judged not finaling in a contest that did announce. No thank you note from the author, BTW, but I'm still hoping to get one.
I'm done judging contests for a while now. I'm too busy and I spend hours on each entry. Time I can't afford to lose with the length of my To Do List.
BTW, speaking of the To Do List, since Friday, I've crossed off FOUR items and NONE were added! Yea!!!
Foot is still hurting badly enough that I'm not going into work until I see the doctor on Wednesday. If something is seriously wrong, I don't want to make it worse by doing a lot of walking. I've even retrieved the crutches and I hate those things. Sigh.
And there's no baseball on TV, so I'm watching football. :-( I wish baseball was on TV 24/7 and played year round. But then I love to write with a game on.