I expect Amazon and BN.com to start shipping Crimson Veil some time this week. They're always so early and this would fall into the time frame that the first two books started making an appearance in public. :-) I'm bracing myself. But I'm having trouble right now getting too neurotic about it. I've got bigger things worrying me.
Yesterday my foot started to hurt--bad. Bad enough that I'm scared that something is really hosed up. Bad enough that I considered taking a pain killer and the only reason I didn't was I didn't want to be messed up today. I haven't told anyone yet about this, but I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. All I can think is please don't let that screw have worked its way loose. I can't have more surgery to fix things.
And I'm still going into work today. Which is probably the worst thing I can do since I have to do more walking there than anywhere else. Just the hike in from the parking lot is bad. But I was out for a month, NWA is in bankruptcy and two mechanics were arrested yesterday during their picketing. As volatile as things are, I don't think I can stay home. See? Timing for being out of work for another month is not good, so I can't need surgery again.
Despite all this, the writing went well. I did like 9 pages yesterday which is a lot for me. I'm such a painfully slow writer.
MN Weather Report: 70 degrees. Humid. Thunderstorms rolling through.