I finished copy edits for Edge of Dawn on Monday and sent them off to NYC on Tuesday. Everything went faster than I'd thought it would, but I was pretty organized in advance. I did a final read through--that's what held them up a day--but it was a good thing I did. I found I'd crossed out the wrong paragraph in one spot. Oops. I fixed that and fiddled with word choices. All that's left to do now on the book is proofread the test print of the book in a couple of months. This is where I enlist my mom's help because it's so easy to not see missing and/or extra words. My brain seems to put them right in.
As I left the Evil Day Job (EDJ) for Fed Ex on Tuesday at lunch, it started snowing. By that afternoon when I left the EDJ to go home, traffic on the freeway was at a standstill. It took an hour and a half to get home. I handled it okay, though. I didn't think the roads were that bad so I wasn't all that stressed and I had my iPod plugged in to the car stereo and listened to a couple of lectures from UC Berkeley on Earthquakes. I got hooked and now I'm working my way through the rest of the course. :-) I think I'm through lecture seven now.
We've had a lot of snow in MN this month, particularly in the last week or week and a half, and I've had to get up early nearly every day this week because of snowy roads. And I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow because there's another storm scheduled to roll through tonight. :-(
Still working on setting up the new laptop, but the important stuff like word processing software and antivirus protection is on there, so I'm good until I have more time.
And to close out, here's a cute video for y'all.