Since it's the weekend before Christmas, I thought I'd go in search of some cool sites for the holiday. I found a few.
North is broken into three sections: Kids, Parents, and Teachers. There's a list of free things to do here, including sending a letter to Santa, a visit to Elf Pal Academy, puzzles and activities, and stories to read and color. There's also a section for Christmas recipes and you do not want to miss the disco-dancing Santa Claus.
Next up is The Official Website of Santa Claus. Here you can send a letter to Santa, find out about traditions around the world, and read about the physics of Santa.
Santa's Net also has a section of world traditions, song lyrics for some holiday favorites, and a naughty or nice list checker. Where do you fall? Also another opportunity to email Santa.
Find more recipes at The count is 540+ recipes and people can leave comments. Also has low carb cookies, country of origin listings, and baking tips. For those of us who um, nearly set fire to microwave popcorn, ahem, this last part might come in handy. has games like elf tic-tac-toe, boxing with Santa, and a few trivia games. See how much you know about It's a Wonderful Life. There's also a section for kids where they can email Santa, find coloring pages--both for online and off, and download free MP3 music. This site also has a section on traditions and another for recipes. And if you're looking for gift tags, you can print some out here for free.
I've only browsed through these sites briefly, so as always, use caution on the net, but they looked okay in the time I spent there. Enjoy!