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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Airline Memorabilia

I have a fair amount of airline memorabilia, which isn't a huge surprise since I work for a major US airline. After Northwest merged with Delta, I wished I'd kept more things.

For instance, I only had a couple of flight schedules because I tossed those when they brought out a new one. Back in the days with paper schedules, of course. :-) I also wish I'd bought more sweatshirts and other apparel. Northwest's employee store had a lot, but because they carried high-quality items, they were expensive and I didn't buy much. After the merger, a lot of stuff was picked over.

I'm starting to collect Delta stuff now, too, although I don't have as much as I have from NWA. I don't think I do at least.

But a while back one of the retirees at work went around the office and passed out paper cups from Eastern Airlines. Not the current incarnation where I believe someone simply bought the name, but the actual Eastern from back in the day. I'm trying to figure out what to do with this.

On the one hand, Eastern has a major airline is defunct and this paper cup really is memorabilia. On the other hand, I never worked for Eastern, and while a lot of the older Delta guys have connections to Eastern because they were based in Atlanta, I don't have that. I lived in Minneapolis until my job got moved to Atlanta--long after Eastern was dead and buried.

There's also the super big problem of how do I keep a paper cup intact? I don't exactly have a shrine to the airline industry in my home. What I do have is a drawer filled with old NWA stuff and a model NWA 757 on my fireplace mantel. The cup? I just don't know what to do with it.

I'm grateful that the retiree thought of me when he was handing them out, but ????