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Thursday, July 02, 2020

Wicked Intention Out for Edits

Every author has a book of their heart, but I've been lucky. I've had multiple books of my heart. These are the characters that stay in my head, no matter how long it takes to get their story told, and whom I love to spend time with.

Wicked Intention is the latest book of my heart.

Finn and Zo showed up while I lived in Minnesota. I can't remember how early before I started writing their story because I was under contract at the time and working hard to meet deadlines, but 2010/11 was the year I wrote three chapters of their story. It needed some work, and while I started revising, I had other deadlines and then my job was moved to Atlanta. This crippled my writing for years.

But while I wrote other stories, mostly novellas, Finn and Zo wouldn't go away. I didn't want them to go away. I love these two!

Their story is told in an unconventional way. It's the way it came to me, and while I thought about trying to make it more normal, too many scenes that I enjoyed listening to (I hear my characters) would have been lost. So unconventional it was. (The rest of the books in the Paladin League series are/will be normal, I promise!) But while this was frustrating to write this way at times, it was also something that pushed my personal envelope. Good thing? Usually, but it did wear me out and it took a long time to write. Longer than I expected by quite a bit.

There were scenes that didn't make the book, that never got written, but Finn and Zo shared them with me anyway. Maybe I'll write their first Christmas together. It's short. But then maybe I won't because the next book in the series is calling hard. Griff met his heroine at the end of Wicked Intention and he wants me to get moving. FYI, Griff can be demanding, so I'm probably going to acquiesce and save myself a character bitching at me. :-)

Anyway, Finn and Zo are with my editor right now and I'm working on Griff's story. Also trying to write cover copy for Wicked Intention, but it's not my favorite thing and I'm really extra struggling with this book's blurb. But I can't wait for you to read one of the books of my heart! I hope you love it and my characters!