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Thursday, January 07, 2021

The Paladine League Heroines

Since I talked about the guys on Tuesday, I wanted to talk a little bit about their heroines.

Langley and Zo became fast friends after they met (once she realized Zo really did have feelings for Finn) and it's really not a surprise. They are a lot alike, but in one way in particular. They both learned to conceal their emotions.

As the daughter of an ambassador, Langley needed to be circumspect and not make waves. She took it upon herself to carry it out farther than necessary.

Zo's parents are at the root for her, too, but in a different way. Both her Mom and Dad are very emotionally reserved and critiqued Zo's behavior endlessly when she displayed emotion. She learned to internalize everything and this isn't healthy. Fortunately, Zo had others in her life (like Tia Izel and Tio Luis) who kept her from being completely closed off and she's working on her issue in therapy.

And then there's Griff's heroine, Cat. As far as I can tell, she's not remotely reserved. Her emotions are right there. I haven't seen her hide anything yet.

Langley pulled in when she was angry at Ryder. Zo and Finn argue until they reach a compromise. Cat and Griff just square off. And yet the attitude works for them. Griff absolutely needs someone that's going to give as good as she gets. He'd walk all over someone who didn't face him down that way and Cat backs down from nothing that I've seen yet.

I have a feeling this might play a role at some future point in their story. Time will tell whether or not I'm right.