This afghan wasn't boring. I don't know if you can tell in the pictures, but even though it's knit in one piece, it's setup like squares. They have different patterns, and after 36 rows of knitting, it changes to the next pattern. Plus cables!
There were times I got tired of cabling, but part of that was that I didn't like the cable needle I was using. I finally found one that works better for me and then it stopped being a chore.
It was long, though. I started this early in the summer of 2020 and only knit a row or two a night. It took around six months to make this.
I knit it between other projects, mostly. I was knitting squares for an afghan I plan to gift, but the patterns for the different squares were only released every 2 weeks or so and I could knit a square in two evenings. When I was caught up on the squares and didn't feel like slogging my way across this monster, I would knit other things.
But after six months (Seriously) of inching my way through it, I finally finished before Christmas. I was pretty damn proud of myself.