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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Best Laid Plans

I've been buying adhesive plastic pockets for my planners for a few years. Ever since my favorite planner changed their pocket style. The new pocket they put in was narrower and didn't hold this little book I have that I call the Planner Nerve Center. It's got long term lists inside. Like maybe even ten years out.

I was hoping my 2022 planner would have better pockets, but alas, it's worse. Only one pocket in the front of the planner. I can put my stickers in there, but I need a pocket in the back for the Planner Nerve Center.

The plastic pockets I buy were on sale this summer, so I picked some up in anticipation of my 2022 planner. Good planning on my part, right?

There's a small problem. I can't find them.

They're in my office. Somewhere. I know this, but I have no clue where I put them for safe keeping. Have I mentioned that my office is a disaster and that it needs a major, major clean up? I bought storage boxes to help organize the space, but I haven't taken the time to do it yet. And let's face it, the job isn't fun either.

Of course, it's not any fun either to tear the office apart looking for plastic pockets. Gah! I wish I could remember where I stashed them.

Edited to Add: I found them. They'd fallen behind a piece of furniture that was difficult to move, but I have them now.