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Thursday, December 16, 2021

Deer Me, The Sequel

Back in October, I blogged about an encounter on the highway with a deer. Unfortunately, this isn't my sole close encounter of the terrifying kind.

A couple of weeks after that event, I was driving to work and there was a deer standing in the median between the six lanes. Three going each direction. Luckily, it remained still and I didn't have any kind of adventure with that one.

Then there was deer number three.

A couple of weeks ago, I was on my way to work. It was early and it was dark. Like always. (I want to work from home!!! But that's not what this post is about.) I was nearly to the heart of the neighboring suburb and kind of figured my odds of encountering a deer in this section of the road was slim. I didn't let down my guard completely, but I was slightly more relaxed than usual.

I am approaching the road right before the biggest, most major junction of highways in this city when it happened.

A deer ran across the road in front of me.

Because I was nearly to the heart of this city, I couldn't have my brights on. Too much traffic. And in fact, a car was in front of me in the lane to my left. The deer ran behind him and in front of me.

And let me tell you if that thing hadn't been running full tilt, I would have hit it. I couldn't see it in time to stop. I was nearly on top of it before I ever spotted it.

I'm grateful I missed it. I'm grateful it was running fast. I'm grateful there were no other deer following it. But I was shaking the rest of the way to work. Actually, I was still shaking at work for a while. That was scary!

One quirky note. The deer used the crosswalk to cross the highway. She's no jaywalker! But she forgot to push the button for the walk signal.