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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Shocked and Surprised

Not that long ago I blogged about characters keeping secrets from me. I must be psychic because Kyle dropped a big surprise on me a couple of weeks after I wrote that. I was shocked, I tell you, shocked.

Yeah, not really. I knew there was something someone in this book wasn't telling me. I simply didn't know if it was Kyle or Mari or what that big something was. Experience, I guess. When both characters seem to have nothing but external issues going on, I'm learning that they're hiding something from me.

I'm not sure yet how this is going to color Kyle's response to what's going on in the book or how it will come up, but I know it's there and that makes a lot of difference when writing.

And sorry, but no. I'm not revealing Kyle's deep, dark secrets here. Pick up Wicked Deception and you can find out there.