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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Medal Dilemma

I've shared pictures of the medals I've earned here in the past. More than once. The one I'm most proud of is the one I did in person. There's something extra special about that in-person, race-day experience, but I'm loving the different virtual races, too.

I mean really loving the virtual medals.

It's a nice little mood boost that makes all the time spent in the gym seem a little easier. A little more fun. Before the pandemic, I only knew of one virtual race company. Since then, I've found many more and I've tried more than one of them.

And now my medals are becoming a problem.

I'd been looping them around the corners of the mirror attached to one of the dressers in my bedroom, but I'm running out of room and I can't see some of them because they're piled on top of each other.

And then I saw a medal holder advertised. I didn't know they made them! I searched on Amazon, but saw complaints about a lot them bending because they weren't made strong enough. (These were all made of metal.) Then I thought of Etsy. Surely someone in the US was making strong medal holders, right?

They were! And I saw a couple I really liked and then I spotted the wooden one. I looked at review after review, picture after picture.

It had a choice of colors, including turquoise. It had a choice of lettering fonts. It had an upgrade option to make it larger to hold more medals. It had a saying that I could get behind 100%. It seemed like a good idea at the time...

I was sold. It arrived today and I attached the hooks immediately and took a picture. I think I figured out where to hang it, so now it's just a matter of finding the time to do it. And then I can hang all my medals and enjoy looking at them. I'll probably share a picture of them when I have it up.